Hi Ealva, indeed if you have multiple local folders to mount all the time, it is easier to just do it when starting minikube instead of running individual mount process. I have added this in the blog.
Good point about disk size. I did not have a use case that needed more than the default disk space so did not come across that issue. I would also suggest to set it via "minikube config set disk-size 50g" same as cpu and memory. It can also be saved in a profile.
I am not sure it is a good idea to use localhost as the DNS for accessing the LB services in K8S. It can get very confusing depending on the context within which it is accessed. The minikube IP is static as long as you don't delete the cluster. When not needed I just do minikube stop. When starting again later, the same IP is reused. You can use a custom DNS like myservice.test pointing to minikube IP for accessing your services. Note that with metallb, each LB service will get a different IP so you may want to use multiple DNS names. You can even make your service IP static by specifying the loadBalancerIP field.
Hope that helps!